Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Efectos macroeconómicos de un alza en el precio externo del petróleo 

      Herrera, Ana M. (1994-07)
      El objetivo de este artículo es analizar el impacto macroeconómico y distributivo en el cambio exógeno en el precio internacional del petróleo. Así, también, se trata de identificar si este impacto difiere, o no, según se ...
    • Tax incidence in Colombia: a general equilibrium analysis 

      Lora, Eduardo; Herrera, Ana M. (1994-08)
      The purpose of this paper is to analyze tax incidence in Colombia with a CGE that allows for the inclusion of different degrees of mobility of factors between sectors, as well as for a number of other rigidities, such as ...
    • Tax reform, stabilization and structural adjustment in Colombia 

      The role of conventional and unconventional tax reform
      Perry, Guillermo; Herrera, Ana M. (1993-08)
      This paper examines three related issues: the dynamics of fiscal and external current account disequilibrium and adjustment in Colombia during the eighties, the strong dependence of Colombian public finances on commodity ...