Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Industrial policies in Colombia 

      Meléndez, Marcela; Perry, Guillermo (2009-08)
      "Latin American and Caribbean countries underperformance relative to other developing countries in terms of productivity growth has reflected on moderate average economic growth of the region over the last 15 years. Colombia ...
    • Revisiting economic growth in Colombia: a microeconomic perspective 

      Meléndez, Marcela; Harker, Arturo (2009-08)
      "This paper revisits economic growth in Colombia using the growth diagnostics methodology proposed by Hausmann, Rodrik and Velasco (2005), with the purpose of identifying the most binding constraints for economic growth ...
    • The development of Colombian bond market 

      Aguilar, Camila; Cárdenas, Mauricio; Meléndez, Marcela; Salazar, Natalia (2007-02)
      "En este trabajo exploramos los determinantes y las consecuencias del desarrollo del mercado de bonos corporativos en Colombia. Utilizamos una muestra amplia con información por firma para el período 1997-2004 y encontramos ...