Now showing items 1-3 of 3

    • Consumption smoothing in less developed countries: a puzzle 

      Barrera, Felipe; Pérez-Calle, Francisco (2007-03)
      "This paper presents evidence of household consumption responses to income fluctuations and shocks by exploiting new panel datasets from Nicaragua and Colombia. We find a low, but statistically significant response of ...
    • Equity and efficiency cost of raising tax revenue in Colombia 

      Rutherford, Thomas F.; Ligth, Miles K.; Barrera, Felipe (2003-11)
      "This paper examines the Colombian tax system as it is represented in the 1997 social accounts. We implement an economic model bases on these data and evaluate the welfare cost raising additional government revenue. Our ...
    • Cusiana y la política macroeconómica 

      Lora, Eduardo; Perry, Guillermo; Barrera, Felipe (1994-03)
      Este trabajo muestra cómo los descubrimientos de Cusiana y Copiagua, los cuales generarán cuantiosos ingresos fiscales y de divisas para el país, mostrarán un ingreso sustancial de capitales para su desarrollo y presentarán ...