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dc.contributor.authorArbeláez, María A.
dc.contributor.authorSandoval, Carlos E.
dc.identifier.citationArbeláez, M. A. y Sandoval, C. E. (2009). Contribution of the Bavaria S. A. operation in the colombian economy. Bogotá: Fedesarrollo, February. Reportes de investigació
dc.descriptionEl presente estudio busca cuantificar la contribución de la operación de Bavaria S.A. en la actividad económica del país. El objetivo va más allá de considerar los efectos directos de la producción de Bavaria; busca además calcular los impactos indirectos, de forma tal que pueda capturarse el aporte a nivel agregado a la economía. El trabajo se divide de la siguiente manera. Después de esta introducción, el segundo capítulo presenta unas cifras descriptivas del aporte de los productos marca Bavaria en algunas áreas específicas. El tercer capítulo explica la metodología de cálculo y presenta los resultados de la contribución de Bavaria S.A. (como empresa) en diferentes variables, teniendo en cuenta los encadenamientos hacia atrás. Finalmente el cuarto capítulo plantea unas conclusiones generales que se desprenden de los
dc.description.abstractThis study aims at quantifying the contribution of Bavaria S. A.’s operation in the economic activity of the country. The objective goes beyond considering the direct effects of Bavaria’s production; it furthermore aims at calculating the indirect impact, in such way that the contribution to the economy may be captured at added level.The work is divided as follows. After this introduction, the second chapter presents some descriptive figures of the contribution of the Bavaria brand products in some specific areas. The third chapter explains the calculation methodology and presents Bavaria S. A.’s contribution results (as a corporation) in different variables, taking into account the backwards chain. Finally, the fourth chapter shows some general conclusions derived from the results.en
dc.description.sponsorshipBavaria S.
dc.subjectIndustria Cerveceraspa
dc.subjectIndustria de Elaboración de Bebidasspa
dc.subjectProductos de Bavariaspa
dc.subjectEconomía Colombianaspa
dc.subjectDesarrollo Productivospa
dc.subjectIndustria de Bebidas Alcohólicasspa
dc.subjectBebidas Alcohólicasspa
dc.subject.otherMacroeconomía, Política Monetaria y Fiscalspa
dc.titleContribution of the Bavaria S. A. operation in the colombian economyen
dc.description.shortabstractThis study aims at quantifying the contribution of Bavaria S. A.’s operation in the economic activity of the country. The objective goes beyond considering the direct effects of Bavaria’s production; it furthermore aims at calculating the indirect impact, in such way that the contribution to the economy may be captured at added level.
The work is divided as follows. After this introduction, the second chapter presents some descriptive figures of the contribution of the Bavaria brand products in some specific areas. The third chapter explains the calculation methodology and presents Bavaria S. A.’s contribution results (as a corporation) in different variables, taking into account the backwards chain. Finally, the fourth chapter shows some general conclusions derived from the results.en
dc.description.shortThis study aims at quantifying the contribution of Bavaria S. A.’s operation in the economic activity of the country. The objective goes beyond considering the direct effects of Bavaria’s production; it furthermore aims at calculating the indirect impact, in such way that the contribution to the economy may be captured at added level.
The work is divided as follows. After this introduction, the second chapter presents some descriptive figures of the contribution of the Bavaria brand products in some specific areas. The third chapter explains the calculation methodology and presents Bavaria S. A.’s contribution results (as a corporation) in different variables, taking into account the backwards chain. Finally, the fourth chapter shows some general conclusions derived from the results.en
dc.subject.keywordsBrewing Sectoren
dc.subject.keywordsBeverage Industryen
dc.subject.keywordsColombian Economyen
dc.description.notaVersión en inglés del estudio: Contribución de la operación de Bavaria S.A. en la economía

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